We just came home from France and Switzerland and we are already preparing to leave on our next trip in a few days. It was a fabulous adventure! I was encouraged by my friends to start a travel blog. If you haven’t seen it already, and would like to, here’s the link to Places To Make You Smile. I wrote about the places my husband and I visited, the hotels we stayed at and where we dined. I also uploaded photos and videos of our travels.
During this trip, not only did we visit all these great places including my favorite, Paris, but I did perform at two venues: Gstaad Palace in Switzerland and on the Viking Spirit River Boat from Paris to Normandy. I also launched “Where In the World is Sylvia Bennett’s Stage?” Since I love to travel and sing, I decided to combine the two. You will see me perform snippets of songs that are inspired by my location. You can view these on Photobucket.
At this time, we are packing our suitcases, if you can believe it, to go on a five-month adventure that starts off at our usual fall destination- Carmel, California. I will keep you posted as to where we go from there. I will continue my blog during this time to include all the places that make me SMILE.
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer.
Sending you a smile,
Fans Make Songs Become Hits Become Part of Sylvia Bennett’s Street Team
It is you the fan that helps create number one songs! How? Call or email your favorite radio, satellite, and/or internet stations and request to hear your favorite Sylvia Bennett songs! Are you a member of Jango or Pandora? Request Sylvia’s music!
To find out more or to become a member of the Street Team, send an email with your name and contact information to [email protected]. The first 50 people to sign up for Sylvia Bennett’s Street Team will receive a 4 song download card.